gestaltung TH Köln  nadine zinser-junghanns

phd - work in progress

marcello bonon
´autochthone gestaltung´

der analytische umgang mit dem architektonischen erbe einer region und kultur -
eine untersuchung vernakulärer bauten, kultureller identität von architektur und
sozialer verantwortung des architekten;


A ( ) .systemin the spirit of...



dr. nadine zinser-junghanns I tu munich

´architecture + transportation design´

on february 16th 2011 nadine zinser-junghanns defended her ph.d thesis architecture + transportation design. the dissertation has been developed at the institute for architecture and product design, prof. richard horden at tu munich in cooperation with bmw, dr.-ing. joachim kolling. the ph.d compares the two design disciplines architecture + transportation design through different decades and topics like material, construction or design language.


A ( ) .systemin the spirit of...